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Who is Visiting Your Website?

Well, if you can manually look up information about your visitors online, surely you can automate this process with a computer program. Google Analytics gives you much of this information in its Visitors tracking reports, but it does not provide individual IP addresses nor does it perform reverse lookups to show the identities of visitors. Google hides this information to avoid privacy issues. You can, however, analyze the behavior of your visitors - which pages they visit, how often and from which source they found your site. What if you could combine all of that information with identity lookups?

HubSpot has this capability. It's in the Convert > Prospects report available at every level of their software licensing structure. In the Prospects tool you get a snapshot of your website visitors sorted by company (or organization) and showing you detailed analysis of their visits, by date, by page, and by location. If any of these visitors has also converted as a lead, HubSpot draws the connection and shows you relevant lead information. You can drill down to view visits on specific days, individual page statistics and points of origin (sources) for your visitors.

 You can filter the data by company, by region or by keyword to find specific prospects and analyze their pre- and post-conversion behavior. hubspot prospects tool What's the Value of Accessing Visitor Information Early in the Cycle? Your sales team can benefit dramatically by tracking prospective clients earlier in the sales cycle and by reacting swiftly to "bursts" of visitor interest. For example, if a prospect is performing an intensive due diligence on your products or services, you will see that interest before they even decide to contact you for more information.

You can inform your inside sales team, who can work their magic to find and contact the interested party right away rather than waiting for a lead conversion event. Or at the very least, when a lead contacts you, you can respond with a wealth of information about their needs and level of interest. You can also use this information to segment your leads and provide inbound marketing content to move them down your sales funnel. One Word of Caution The IP lookup technology isn't foolproof.

Visitors can disguise their identity by using shared Internet services (not designated to their own company) and by other means. In these cases you will see a lot of visits by Internet services providers. There's nothing you can do about this "noise", but the HubSpot software does allow you to filter out these results. The other thing you should be very careful about is privacy.

Make sure your privacy policy discloses your terms of use, specifically that of IP addresses and lead capture information - and don't forget to publish it on your website! Also, be careful about using data collected from your visitors, and if you have any questions, consult with your company attorney before you use visitor data in any way. How Do You Track Your Visitors and Leads? We're Ready to Help


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